Mental Health and Physical Activity| Exercise

 Mental Health

The major components of human health, evolution, and development are body movement.

mental health

What is Physical Activity?

Physical activity is activities that use up energy.

The World Health Organization defines physical activity as any physiological movement that needs energy expenditure and is produced by skeletal muscles.

Physical exercise encompasses all forms of movement, whether it is done for fun, to go to and from locations, or as part of one's job.

Physical activity, both moderate and vigorous, is beneficial to one's health.

Walking, cycling, wheeling, sports, active recreation, and play are all popular methods to be active, and anyone of any ability level may do them.

Physical activity has been shown to aid in the prevention and management of non-communicable diseases, such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and a variety of malignancies.

It also aids in the prevention of hypertension, the maintenance of a healthy body weight, and the enhancement of mental health, quality of life, and overall well-being.

Modern World and Physical Activity 

In our modern lifestyle, the need for physical activities has been dissolved.

Everything in our modern world is an opportunity to conserve energy.

Activities as:

  • Office jobs
  • Cars
  • The unlimited temptation for sedentary forms of recreation like
  • Video games
  • TVs

The ideal physical activity guidelines is a 2 and half hours of moderate exercise to vigorous activity a week.

Because of the invention of technology. Our modern world has reduced the need for us to move in our daily lives.

Although we try to compensate with designers' movements such as sports and gym-based activities) exercise.

Depression and Exercises

It’s been said that exercise may increase the level of serotonin. Which is a neurotransmitter that influences mood, sleep, appetite, libido, and other functions.

Moreso, exercise had been liked to increase the level of endorphins in the brain which has mood-lifting properties.

Also, regular exercise may alleviate depression by

  • Improvement of sleep
  • Reduces loneliness and increases social support when done with others
  • Provides distractions from worries and anxieties improves self-esteem and increases self-control
  • It increases energy levels.

Evidential Benefits of Regular Exercise and Depression Management

Research has shown that individuals who take part in regular exercise experienced fewer symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Also, trials have shown that regular exercise with moderate intensity can be an effective adjunctive treatment by itself for both melancholic and non-melancholic depression.

Also, 16 weeks of regular exercise has been found to be as effective as anti-depressant medications in the treatment of mild depression.

Besides its mental health, regular exercise has other physical health benefits and prevention of many diseases and illnesses.

Helpful Exercise to Treat Depression

  • Aerobic exercise (brisks walking, cyclin)
  • And resistance strength.

Exercise recommendations

  • A minimum of moderate intensity exercise
  • Been active in as many ways as possible
  • Exercising for at least 10 minutes

Challenges of Exercise During Depression| Ways to Overcome


It's difficult to get into and stay in an exercise regimen or engage in regular physical activity while being depressed.

Although these steps can assist you:

1. Do not View Exercise and Physical Activity as a Chore

You'll link exercise with failure if it's just another "should" in your life that you don't think you're living up to.

Rather, think of your exercise or physical activity plan as one of the tools you can use to help you get better, much like your therapy sessions or medication.

2. Seek the Help of a Mental Health Professional

For advice and support, consult your doctor or mental health professional.

Examine how an exercise program or physical activity routine fits into your overall treatment strategy.

3. Set Attainable Objectives

Walking for an hour five days a week isn't required for your purpose. Consider what you can reasonably do and start small.

Rather than setting unreasonable goals that you're unlikely to reach, tailor your plan to your individual demands and talents.

4. Examine Your Roadblocks

Figure out what's keeping you from exercising or being physically active. If you're self-conscious about your appearance, for example, you might opt to work out at home.

Also, find a friend to work out with or who appreciates the same physical activities as you do if you find it easier to stick to your goals with a partner.

If you don't have any money to spend on fitness equipment, try something free like regular walking.

If you consider what is preventing you from being physically active or exercising, you will most likely be able to come up with a solution.

5. Expect Failures and Stumbling Blocks

Don't forget to congratulate yourself on every modest step in the right path. If you miss a day of exercise, it doesn't imply you can't keep up with your fitness program.

6. Find out What You Like to Do

Consider what types of physical activities you are most likely to engage in, as well as when and how you are most likely to perform them.

Would you rather go for a bike ride or play basketball with your kids after school.

Do some gardening in the evening, start your day with a jog, or go for a bike ride or play basketball with your kids? To help you stick with it, do something you enjoy.

FAQs on Physical Activity Exercise and Mental Health


1. How does physical activity affect mental health?

Exercise helps to promote mental health by lowering anxiety, depression, and a bad mood.

As well as enhancing self-esteem and cognitive performance. Low self-esteem and social disengagement have also been proven to be alleviated by exercise.

2. Is There a Relationship Between Exercise and Mental Health?

Summary. Regular exercise improves mental health and emotional well-being, as well as lowers the risk of mental disease.

Exercise is essential for persons suffering from mental illness since it improves our mood, focus, and alertness while also improving our cardiovascular and overall physical health.

3. Why Does Physical Activity Improve Mental Health?

What role does exercise play in the treatment of depression and anxiety?

Regular exercise can help you feel better by releasing feel-good endorphins, natural cannabis-like brain chemicals (endogenous cannabinoids).

And other natural brain chemicals that can improve your mood.

4. Why Physical Health Is Important as Mental Health?

A healthy physique aid, good mental health, and a fit physique. This is because physical activity improves our energy levels, moods, concentration abilities, and self-esteem.

Exercise also releases endorphins, which make us feel better by triggering the reward system in our brains, which provides us pleasure while also reducing pain.

 I hope this has been insightful to you. Let me know your thoughts and suggestions in the comment section.

Also, feel free to share with your friends, loved ones, and active media accounts.